Christmas Menus

Christmas Menus

Dear Party Organiser,

Thank you for your interest regarding a Christmas party at Goya.

We have pleasure in presenting your GOYA XMAS MENUS with prices and a BOOKING FORM for your perusal. In the CHRISTMAS PARTY Q&A section you will find relevant details regarding booking procedures for your Christmas party at Goya restaurant.

If you would like to make a booking, please complete the booking form and return it to Goya restaurant of your choice via fax, email of by person.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to call Alena on 0207 976 5309 (Pimlico) or email

To arrange a viewing please contact the venue directly.

We look forward to seeing you over the festive season at Goya.

Thank you for your loyal custom.

Best Regards

Goya Staff

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